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frequently asked questions about gorilla trekking

Frequently Asked Questions about Gorilla Trekking

 Frequently Asked Questions about Gorilla Trekking

Frequently asked questions about gorilla trekking are the following, but are not limited to; when is the best time to visit for Mountain Gorilla trekking? How to find them while on the trek? where to find them? How to act and behave when with the gorillas? Among others, Albertine Tours is here to answer some of these questions. find helpful information here below!

When is the best time of year to visit Africa for mountain gorilla trekking?

Well, you must be wondering when perhaps is the best time to pay a visit. To engage in this most tourist activity that continues to attract throngs of travelers all over the world. What you need to know is that, it is not about the climate and weather to decide your time of gorilla trekking. Since this is an all year round activity and most actually, it rains almost daily in the tropical rainforest.

Where these gorillas are found, Even though it may not be a heavy rain downpour at all times, but at least expect the raindrops on a bigger chance (due to the trees and the geographical formation of rainfall). But you should majorly expect that most gorilla treks and trails lead you to muddier landscapes than often!

Basing on the seasons’ calendar, the months of March and April and October and November are labeled rainy seasons.  There is a high rainfall downpour during these months. So expect to find an all green scenery landscape. The timing of your visit to trek the gorillas could be so useful if you are planning a safari as part of your travels to Uganda or Rwanda. Since these two countries enjoy round temperatures of between 21°C and 30°C throughout the year. In the higher altitudes of the mountain gorillas’ habitat, it can be as cold as 10°C.

In Rwanda, the annual Kwita Izina gorilla-naming ceremony normally takes place in the first week of September and is such a right time for those who wish to visit Rwanda. For the unique gorilla experience and fascinating features of the Land of Thousand Hills.

This is a time when Rwanda celebrates her progress in gorilla conservation, give newborn gorilla babies names and also highlight some of the challenges these great apes continue to face.

Are Gorilla Permits Refundable in case I don’t show up?

frequently asked questions about gorilla trekking

Incidentally, and unfortunately, Gorilla Permits once purchase are non-refundable unless the guides probably explain that your medical condition cannot allow you to engage in the activity. Or else you provide a medical certificate from the doctor that you are not in position to proceed on with the trekking activity.

When you pay for the gorilla permit, you are just assured that on your day of the trekking, you will ultimately meet and greet with these mountain giants, (at least be 97% sure- that should give you the true hope now).

How Much do I need to purchase a gorilla permit?

The price of gorilla permits is not the same in the three countries of Uganda, Rwanda, and Congo where you can possibly do the gorilla trekking from. In Uganda, a gorilla permit costs $700 for both high and low seasons whereas in Rwanda the price is a bit high at $1500 (though reduced during the low season – read more here) and for DRC’s Virunga, their gorilla permit is the cheapest in the region at $450.

If you want to visit any of the countries for this amazing trekking adventure, it is advisable to book the permits in advance, at least 2 months before you travel. That is why there are provisions for you to do a two-year advance booking and you will still have your permit reserved.

Are there additional costs besides the payment for the gorilla permit?

Remember the cost of gorilla permits does not include your accommodation or transport costs and food. Your tour agent company will help you with this. Away from purchasing the gorilla permit, you may need to part with some extra dollars to enable you to accomplish a few things that make your trip a perfect. Hiring a porter is also recommended at an additional cost of $15 for a day. The porters help you carry your daypack, assist trek when necessary. The contribution to the porters also provides additional income to the local community since its an employment opportunity.

Is it Difficult or tiresome to engage in the trekking activity?

frequently asked questions about gorilla trekking

One must be able and willing to hike in rough terrain and in any weather to see Mountain Gorillas in the wild. However, many older people who don’t think of themselves as hikers or adventurers can successfully visit the gorillas. Personal assistants can be hired to carry your day-pack and assist you in difficult areas.

The local guides will work to make it as easy as possible for one to track and photograph the Mountain Gorillas. We have had numerous clients in their 70’s success in reaching their target Mountain Gorilla groups. But many people return very exhaustedly, muddy and sore if they are not fit enough to go hiking.

Altitude sickness is not usually a problem, nor are insects. You will want a pair of gloves and clothing that protects your arms and legs from thorns and nettles. Good balance is helpful in Gorilla trekking as trails may be slippery. And we advise you to hit the gym for a week or two before you embark on this journey.

How Long can I stay with the Gorilla once I find them?

Once you are on face to face with the gorillas,  you are allowed to spend one hour with that specific group of Mountain Gorillas. Sometimes your guide may allow you a few more minutes, especially if you have had a long trek to reach them and the tourist group is not disturbing to the gorillas. But that one hour is always worth because the experience is incomparable.

Are the Mountain Gorillas fierce and dangerous?

Rwanda Gorilla Trekking

All wild animals are potentially dangerous and treated as such. But habituated Mountain Gorillas are not aggressive or prone to be angered by tourists.  This is because they have been taught to be in the presence of humans. Many people are surprised that the Mountain Gorillas seem to ignore the tourists in their midst completely. But there’re a couple of rules to follow. One should not get between a mother and a baby or tease animals. use a flash, make distracting noises or move quickly.

What should I put on for Rwanda gorilla trekking?

We advise you to wear long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. they should be made of light-weight material. You’ll want to tuck the cuffs of your pants into tall socks. this is to prevent safari ants from entering. It is also wise to wear a hat to prevent ticks from getting in your hair. Bring a rain jacket and rain pants in your daypack. and  extra t-shirt or a sweater for when the tracking gets long and the forest gets cooler. Make sure you have good hiking shoes and don’t worry about the weight of your backpack: porters are available for a US$ 20 fee which helps families from the communities around the park

What is the minimum age limit for Rwanda gorilla trekking?

A Gorilla permit will be issued as along as you are 15 years old in both Uganda and Rwanda. To participate in gorilla trekking activity. You can find the remaining Mountain Gorillas in the volcanic mountain ranges. Along the borders of Uganda, Rwanda and The Congo. One must not visit Mountain Gorillas alone unless with the assistance of trained guides and tour operators like Albertine Tours agency Ltd. You can book gorilla permits from our offices, transportation, safari guides and lodging required for Mountain Gorilla trekking Uganda, Rwanda and Congo.

How Close do I get to face with the Gorillas?

Visitors should keep a 7 meters distance from the gorillas. In practice, the mountain Gorillas is violate. with this rule, by coming closer to you as you stand quietly observing or photographing them. you will need telephoto capability on your camera since some animals are shy, and the Silverback is  very protective of the young. You can not touch the gorillas, though it would be easy to do so.

What else can I do in Rwanda besides gorilla trekking?

Rwanda is a beautiful, green, thriving country, known as the land of a Thousand Hills. The volcanic soil is very rich and subsistence agriculture produces food year around. The genocide of 1994, is powerfully memorialized in a museum in Kigali and at other sites around the country. Visitors  partake touring and visiting in these experiences and learn from them. Currently, there is no apparent ethnic conflict or significant insurgent or militant activity.

There is a dynamic re-building of the social fabric and a commitment to the youth of the country. You might wish to hike to Karisoke. Where Diane Fossey conducted her pioneering research, or take a trek to see Golden Monkeys of Parc des Volcans. This park has the greatest diversity. Other wildlife parks of Rwanda generally do not compare in the diversity of species or quality of management with the parks and reserves of Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania.


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