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gorilla trekking experience in Rwanda

How Long is a Gorilla Trekking Experience in Rwanda?

How Long is a Gorilla Trekking Experience in Rwanda?

How long is a gorilla trekking experience in Rwanda is one of the frequently asked questions. The experience can either take a very short time of 2 to 3 hours or it can go a whole day about 6 to 8 hours according to the family you are trekking and where it is located. Mountain Gorilla Trekking is an adventurous activity that attracts many travelers in and out of Africa and all over the world to experience the nature and behavior of these endangered creatures. The Mountain Gorillas can be found in the rainforest of Bwindi Impenetrable National park, Mgahinga National park in Uganda, Virunga National Park in Democratic Republic of Congo and Volcanoes national park in Rwanda.

Gorilla Trekking is a process that involves hiking the thick mountainous forests and attentively listening to the hissing sounds of these primates until you land on them. To be able to trek Mountain gorillas, one needs a gorilla permit to access the forest and have a face to face encounter with the gorillas. Gorilla trekking begins the early morning at the park headquarters with a short briefing by the expert gorilla guides and park administrators. This is to ensure that you don’t face any problem as you trek through the forest in search for these mountain giants.

You are usually given groups of 8 people and a park ranger to trail through the mist and thick forest to see the mountain gorillas. You may spend 30 minutes to 7 hours until you find them. This depends on the movement of the Gorillas, where they stayed the previous nights, last ate, last constructed their nests and also the gorilla group you have been assigned to trek from the park headquarters. Once you meet them gorillas, you are entitled to a maximum of one hour to get close to the mountain Gorillas face to face, take pictures with them, or pictures of them alone.

For one to get the most of this amazing adventure tour, you need to carry long sleeved clothes like the shirts, blouses, long socks, garden gloves, a hat, sunglasses, hiking boots, repellents, packed food, Read the full list of items here.
You can visit Africa for gorilla trekking all year round, but most especially in the dry months of July, June, August, September, December, and February. The gorilla permit for Uganda and Rwanda gorilla trekking cost 600 USD and 1500 USD respectively. To secure a gorilla permit conveniently, you are advised to book three months in advance during the high season. It should also be noted that only adults aged 15 years of age and above are allowed to trek the gorillas.

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